Tutors are available for drop-in visits during their listed hours, or you may schedule an appointment with a tutor by meeting them in-person, contacting the Learning Lounge through Zoom, or emailing learninglounge@mail.tillamookbaycc.edu.
The Learning Lounge can also provide Paper drop off. Drop off a paper for editing in person or by contacting the Learning Lounge or a tutor through email to and a tutor will edit and send you notes in up to 48 hours.
Writing Tutor Email Box: learninglounge@mail.tillamookbaycc.edu
*Timing for receiving and editing a paper is contingent on the tutor having scheduled hours for the day of or the days following the papers submission. Papers submitted on weekends may not be received until the following Monday.
You can also get tutoring assistance online!
Math, Writing, Sciences
Refer to the schedule for specific subject availability.
Start a Tutoring Session now (in Zoom)
To help reduce your wait time, you may also schedule a Zoom tutoring appointment by sending an email request to learninglounge@mail.tillamookbaycc.edu.
The Learning Lounge is open Monday-Thursday with times ranging from 9:00 - 6:00PM in Room 207 (you will find a full schedule with subject availability at the top of the page).
In the Learning Lounge, we offer:
In the Learning Lounge you will also find a relaxed space to work on your homework or spend downtime.
We want to see all of you there- come try it out. We are here to support you as you navigate through your college courses.
Tutorìa en Español
Si desea recibir tutoría con nuestros tutores de habla hispana, consulte el cronograma a continuación.