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Testing and Proctoring: Exam proctoring for Community Members

Local students taking classes or training through other colleges’ distance programs often are required to take exams. The TBCC Library and Testing Center agrees to provide supervision and a secure testing environment for those exams.

Exams are proctored in the Testing Center during the library’s regular hours of operation. Students are encouraged to contact the library before scheduling a test date with their instructors.

To have an exam proctored you will need to notify your institution that TBCC has agreed to proctor your exam. You will need to provide them with our contact information:

Clare Sobotka, Director of Library and Learning Services
Tillamook Bay Community College
4301 Third Street
Tillamook, OR  97141 AND
503-842-8222 ext. 1720

Your college or institution will then mail your exam or information to us directly using the PDF form at the bottom of this page. Because of the high volume of exams we proctor, you will not be notified when it arrives — you will need to contact us to confirm that your exam has been received.

There is no fee for TBCC or OSU students.  If you are not a TBCC student, the fee is $20 per class. Outside testing for non-college students is $30 per test.  Payment for the exam/s needs to be received at the TBCC store prior to testing.

Please bring photo ID with you the day of your test. We have lockers for your belongings. There is a water fountain, but not many food options so consider brining a snack.