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OER: Open Educational Resources

A guide to understanding, finding, modifying, creating, and using open educational resources for TBCC students, staff, and faculty.

Primers and Toolkits

There are excellent guides from other colleges and organizations that explain the nuts and bolts of OER. I recommend these as great primers. 

OER Toolkit - The Learning Portal at Ontario Colleges Library Services ( This toolkit provides information and tools to help faculty and library staff across all publicly funded colleges in Ontario, Canada to understand, engage with, and sustain OER in their work and practice.

Intro to OER - Open Educational Resources (OER) - LibGuides at Western Technical College


Learn more about the wider world of OER and open education, including advocacy, events, and communities. 

Open Oregon Educational Resources: Promotes textbook affordability for community college and university students, and facilitates widespread adoption of open, low-cost, high-quality materials.

Open Education Global: Open Education Global (OEG) is a global, members based, non-profit organization supporting the development and use of open education around the world. Includes CCCOER, the Community College Consortium for OER.